* 1 glāze mandeļu piena
* 1/4 glāzes čia sēklu
* 2 tējkarotes ar kaudzi kakao
* pēc garšas - agaves sīrups
Sajauc čia sēklas ar kakao pulveri. Pievieno mandeļu pienu un agaves sīrupu. Sīrupu pievieno atkarībā no tā cik saldu pudiņu vēlas. Visu samaisa un liek ledusskapī uz apmēram 5 stundām.
Pēc vēlmēm pasniedz ar svaigiem augļiem, saldējumu vai arī ēd tāpat!
Lately I am trying out all kind of vegan desserts. The last one which I have tried is chia seeds pudding with chocolate.
You need:
* 1 glass almond milk
* 1/4 glass chia seeds
* 2 very big table spoons of cacao
* agave syrup (depending on how sweet you want your pudding to be)
Mix chia seeds with cacao. Add almond milk and agave syrup. Mix everything together and put in fridge for app. 5 hours.
You can serve it with fresh fruit, ice cream (in my case coconut milk ice cream) or you can just enjoy it like it is!
You need:
* 1 glass almond milk
* 1/4 glass chia seeds
* 2 very big table spoons of cacao
* agave syrup (depending on how sweet you want your pudding to be)
Mix chia seeds with cacao. Add almond milk and agave syrup. Mix everything together and put in fridge for app. 5 hours.
You can serve it with fresh fruit, ice cream (in my case coconut milk ice cream) or you can just enjoy it like it is!
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